Sunday, August 17, 2014


I made the costumes for Vacation Bible School at my church. The theme was Kingdom Chronicles, emphasizing the armor of God. The setting was a castle; let me introduce you to the characters in the daily skits...
King Karl

Prince Phillip

Prince Phillip in the full armor of God

Sir Stephen, Knight
Queen Camilla, evil sister of the king
The Queen's Dragon


The whole cast
I came up with the ideas for the costumes. The queen's dress was made by her mother; the prince's shirt was a combined effort with a friend of mine. The rest I made on my own. My husband built the set of armor and the dragon's head.

It was a lot of work! I am satisfied with the look of each costume, and I have a sense of accomplishment as well.

1 comment:

StitchinByTheLake said...

Wow! I can't even imagine tackling this big a job. But they are perfectly wonderful And what a great visual for the armor of God! blessings, marlene