Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Writing up a Tutorial a KEPI.
 It is a kind of hat worn by soldiers during the Civil War. In our homeschool co-op, the students in the Civil War class are divided into the North and the South. Each one wears a blue kepi or a gray kepi. Well, two years ago I made a pattern, and now others want to use it to make kepis for their classes. So today I wrote up all the instructions; as I assembled the kepi, I took pictures of every step.

What a lot of work! It took me the whole afternoon. I certainly have a great appreciation for those who write up quilting tutorials!

So tonite I had some fun...Can you guess what I am making? I should have it done by Friday, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Mrs. JP said...

Got to be a doll.
I'm gonna be inspired by you and get in there and work on my quilt!