I'm not a big resolution maker, for I know that I have not been good at keeping up with them. But this year I resolved to not purchase fabric.
On the second of January, daughter wanted to go to Goodwill. I dropped her off and went to the store next door. I did have to go back to get her, so I planned to just step foot in the door and not go to the remnants section near the back. Of course the Christmas items were right inside the door, and there was a really nice piece of red fabric, just over two yards for .75 cents.
Yes, it did come home with me. |
I am so pathetic.
And weak.
And unable to keep a resolution.
So now my resolution is to post every single piece of quilt fabric I bring in to the house this year. Maybe that will help me with accountability.
Today I purchased more fabric. But this time it is not for me, nor for my stash. I have an idea for a Lenten banner for church, and I am anxious to get started. But I needed the right fabrics.
Fortunately the batiks were on sale and I had a coupon! Batik is still expensive, but it will be worth it when the banner is finished.
One more resolution I have is to quit wasting time playing mindless computer games. So I gave myself some reminders; can you see the notes on my computer?
Just Say NO NO computer games!
I have not yet broken this resolution! The result? I'm sewing again, cooking again, going to bed on time, reading a book, and I am even blogging again! So far, so good!