I attended my first quilt retreat! I did not get very much accomplished. I spent the first day and a half working on a flying geese quilt. I assembled the blocks, then fussy cut the borders. I had one miscut, and now I must replan the borders. Grrrrr. I was so disappointed. I don't even have a picture to share.
So, instead I machine quilted this one using just straight lines that follow the zigag. Needs binding.
I also worked on the Autumn Beauty but it is not assembled yet.
I also helped a friend plan a few quilts. This is one top that she was able to complete; the colors are way off, as it is actually purple and teal.
Here are a few quilts that others were working on!
Grama's flower garden, a class project. The teacher of the class values this one at $1500. It is an amazing quilt with beautiful machine quilting.
Beautiful pineapple quilt; the borders really make this one special.
I will be attending a second retreat in a few weeks. Hopefully I will have some finished projects to show off after that one!